The Google Webmaster Help Forum Provides Publishers with Support on All Things AMP


It’s been about a month since the launch of AMP in the Top Stories section of Google Search. Now, when you search for a story or topic on Google from a mobile device, web pages created in the AMP open-source format will appear where relevant and load extremely fast. Early testing shows that web pages built with AMP load an average of four times faster and use 10 times less data than equivalent non-AMP pages!

In order to help publishers adopt AMP for their websites, Google recently launched an Accelerated Mobile Pages category within the Webmaster Help Community. In this forum publishers can ask questions and share insights about making their AMPs eligible to be shown on Google Search.

Join the conversation in the community here:

Here are some of the most common questions we’ve seen raised in the help forum:

Q: I’m considering creating AMP pages for my website. What  is the benefit? What types of sites and pages is AMP for?

Using the AMP format will make it far more compelling for people to consume and engage with your content on mobile devices. Users love content that loads fast and without any fuss. We have seen people read more and consume more content that loads in an instant. Learn more about the benefits of AMP on this FAQ.  The goal is for all published content, from news stories to videos and from blogs to photographs and GIFs, to work using Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Q: We are getting thousands of errors logged in Search Console for AMP pages with invalid structured data; however, we already fixed these issues, and now all our pages validate. Why are we still seeing errors?

The short answer is that changes to your AMP HTML take a while to be reflected in Search Console. For a more in-depth answer, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller shared a detailed post on Search Console latency challenges.

Q: Our AMP pages are not showing up in the Top Stories carousel. What should we do?

The Top Stories carousel requires Schema markup of either the Article or VideoObject types or their subtypes, such as NewsArticle and BlogPost. Developers can validate their structured data using this testing tool.

Posted by Elena Legeros, on behalf of the AMP Team