Happy new year!!! One year ago we announced our New Year’s resolution to help the open-source ecosystem become a little bit more sustainable. This is our one year funding report. For 2019 we intend to continue on our path with significantly increased investment.
We believe it is increasingly clear that relying on people’s volunteered free time to drive mission critical open source software is not a sustainable mode of operation. As a community we need to find new ways to fund the valuable work on such projects. We strive to provide at least some financial support to projects that we directly depend on and that are accepting support.
Total funding: $32,900
The projects we supported are

Projects | Total contribution | Description |
Babel | $12,600 | The most used transpilation system for JavaScript. Used in AMP’s development pipeline to support modern JS syntax in older browsers. |
Preact | $12,000 | Super tiny React alternative. Used in AMP’s upcoming component model rework. |
webpack | $6,000 | The most popular build tool for web applications and core to our amp-script strategy. |
document-register-element | $1,200 | Document-register-element is the custom element we are using to drive AMP. |
Rollup | $1,100 | Rollup is a super efficient bundler for JavaScript modules. |
We’re super glad we’ve been able to support these amazing projects and are looking forward to do even more in 2019!
Posted by Malte Ubl, Member of the AMP Project Technical Steering Committee