Make sure your Signed Exchanges serving is up and healthy

Cache, Signed Exchanges

Have you already set up an amppackager server to serve your AMP pages packaged as Signed Exchanges? If so, that’s great! This means the browser displays your domain when landed from a Google Search. Any service that runs in production can run into issues, and amppackager is no exception. Below are a few examples of […] Read more

Faster AMP on the origin: AMP + SSR = ⚡

Cache, Developer Experience

AMP now officially supports a technique called server-side rendering (SSR) which you can apply to your AMP pages to make them load even faster. Our tests show increases of up to a whopping 50% on the popular FCP metric. The Google AMP Cache has utilized this technique for a while, but now you can also […] Read more

Developer Preview of better AMP URLs in Google Search


AMP users and publishers have told us that they prefer that the original domain names be used anywhere their AMP pages are displayed. Earlier this year, we demonstrated a technology named Signed HTTP Exchanges that supports transforming cached AMP URLs on any AMP Cache. Google Chrome has since started an origin trial for Signed Exchanges in Chrome 71. Today Google Search […] Read more