Editor’s note: the following guest post was written by Andrea Breanna, Founder/CEO of RebelMouse
RebelMouse is a next-generation CMS for media companies and brands that are genuine about their content. The RebelCMS is a developer-friendly, cloud-based solution that is obsessed with maximizing content distribution across the web. This obsession is built on the foundational tenet that to create continuous organic growth from content, the distribution of that content must be automatic and optimized for new channels. We enable smart developers to be hyper-efficient and give their companies more, anywhere, and at any time. Whether you’re on mobile or desktop, you get the same streamlined functionality, key insights, and content distribution to grow your business.
Why We’ve Invested Heavily in AMP Features
AMP pages are built to be fast and load almost instantly when clicked from Google Search, increasing user engagement and dropping bounce rates. Our team at RebelMouse has found that these increases in organic traffic happen regardless of the traffic source — because readers really do like faster, cleaner pages.
AMP is a rich environment and implementing it properly can be time-consuming. AMP pages, in order to be fast, are highly structured, and companies need efficient tools to take full advantage of the opportunities that AMP provides. When implemented correctly, the impact for a digital business is remarkable:
RebelMouse AMP features helped these sites to quickly adopt AMP and see huge traffic increases in Q4 2019, showing improvement even with non-AMP traffic.
We’ve seen that time and time again, as AMP traffic increases, so does non-AMP traffic. Because of this correlation, we dedicate significant development resources to integrating AMP technology into our CMS. Every RebelMouse-powered site is continuously updated for performance and features that keep our clients hypermodern, while allowing total creative freedom. AMP is no exception.
Below are some of the ways we’re pushing the envelope with AMP to make it a seamless part of the publishing workflow, decrease the friction of implementation, and maximize the traffic benefits.
Structured Data for High Performance on Search
The RebelCMS is built to maximize performance on search by adding structured data to AMP pages, which helps position your content within rich search results. Structured data gives platforms like Google the ability to better display information about your page, making it easier for users to understand what your site is about.
Rapid Development of Rich AMP Environments
Quickly design AMP pages that outperform industry standards with an average of five pages per user. With the RebelCMS, you can choose to enable AMP by default, or implement it across articles individually with one click in our Entry Editor. Because rich functionality is supported out of the box, developer implementations and customizations take a fraction of the time compared to industry standards.
Simplified AMP Layout Creation and Management
Our Layout & Design tool allows you to easily implement dynamic AMP layouts, either through the default canonical usage, or when forcing AMP on mobile and/or desktop. Using this tool, it’s possible to create complex, multi-column layouts with ease that will be served as lightning-fast AMP pages to your visitors.
The RebelCMS intelligently serves the proper layout depending on the device that a visitor is using to view your site’s content. You might have different layout templates for news articles, sponsored content, recipes, etc.
These templates can be enabled directly from the editing interface so that every article will be presented in the best possible way for optimal user engagement.
AMP-First Experiences for Mobile and Desktop
To maximize the speed benefits of AMP, RebelMouse also provides a way to enable AMP for mobile and desktop traffic on a per-article basis. Developers can easily configure sites to run all articles as AMP first. When enabled, traffic for the article will be redirected to the AMP version of the page for better performance.
AMP-first experiences lead to faster load times which may enable clients to be ranked higher. Readers really do like faster, cleaner pages, and the positive impact on stats is overwhelmingly clear.
What makes RebelMouse’s implementation of native AMP options so powerful is that they can be controlled on a per-article basis, so that posts which may need an embed that’s not supported by AMP can exist as exceptions.
Add Conversion Units to Maximize Audience Retention
Interstitial conversion units can be placed within your content so you can build a mailing list, get leads, or just highlight a new feature to your audience.
Integrate Ad Blocks for AMP Monetization
Got ads? With the RebelCMS, you can easily add your ad blocks to your AMP pages for maximum monetization of your audience.
Next-Gen Content Authoring for AMP
All of the best features of the RebelCMS’s Entry Editor have been included for AMP, so you can rest assured that you will not be missing anything critical by expanding your usage of AMP within your organization.
Full Support for the RebelMouse Particle Assembler
When using AMP on the RebelCMS, the benefits of our Particle Assembler are maintained in full. Every particle is still sharable and the same pageview methodology is active by default. Particle Assembler is a core feature of our platform that makes it incredibly easy to author rich content for your site, including listicles, slideshows, and more. Now you can bring the power of our creation tools to your AMP pages as well.
Native Stats and Data Integrations
RebelMouse tracks AMP performance directly from within the CMS and offers connections to all major analytics platforms so you can get the data you need to make the best decisions for your business.
Multivariate Testing With Rich Data Insights
Try multiple AMP layouts and compare them to determine the best performing layout for your content.
Stay on Top of Data With AMP Linkers
RebelMouse fully supports AMP Linker functionality, allowing you to remember your users’ settings and preferences by appending relevant parameters to your URLs. This ensures that their sessions remain in sync when they move between your domain and AMP’s cache domain, maintaining the integrity of the user journey so you don’t lose important analytical insights.